The Spider X

“The Spider X” is a hybrid creation brought to life by Liera himself. This is one of the most reliable guard playing systems that offers multiple attacking opportunities.



What would it feel like knowing that whatever your opponent did, you could still have complete control over them? Imagine having full confidence in your guard abilities to the point that you no longer fear being on your back, struggling with the unknown of what your opponent might throw at you.

Say goodbye to rolling your eyes when you end up on bottom. This is your position now.

Michael Liera is one of the most strategic and experienced guard players of his generation. This guy is cool, calm and collected. And who wouldn’t be knowing that very few grapplers in this world can pass your guard. This is why Michael is the perfect instructor to take you on a journey of guard discovery. One that inevitably leads you to complete and utter confidence in your guard playing abilities. 

Michael Liera’s most successful guard playing game REVEALED! 

“The Spider X” is a hybrid creation brought to life by Liera himself.  This is one of the most reliable guard playing systems that offers multiple attacking opportunities. In this course, you’ll learn all sides of the game, how to play the spider x, how opponents defend this guard and last but not least, how to successfully put a full stop to those defenses. 

Included are sections on entries into spider x from multiple positions, sweeps, how to counter opponent’s defenses, how to counter attack, transitioning between positions and submissions guaranteed to land you that no.1 spot. Either on the podium or in your gym. 

You’ll also find a BONUS section on one of Liera’s top positions, the backside of the x. 

Level up your guard playing game with Michael Liera’s “The Spider X”. Enroll today and lose count of the number of sweeps you hit. 

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