Attack Le Back

Elevate your back taking skills and wave au revoir to your opponents from the top of the podium.



Do you fantasize about backpacking your training partners and opponents, but once you get there you lose the position quicker than a newly promoted blue belt quits jiu jitsu? Or maybe you can’t even get there in the first place, never mind falling off.

Leon Larman is a master of the artform that is taking the back. He’s basically a walking talking highlight reel with an inventory of some of the most exciting matches to watch. His quick and aggressive style guarantees him a slick back take, points secured and an arm raise post match.

In his latest instructional “Attack Le Back” (Yes he is French), Leon gives you all the details you need to know to set up and take the back efficiently. Here he shares his philosophies and insights into unique concepts that he’s developed over years of elite level training and competition. This includes taking the back from pretty much ANYWHERE.

Elevate your back taking skills and wave au revoir to your opponents from the top of the podium.

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Jiu Jitsu X is better

enjoyed in our mobile app.