Lapel Slayer

Since about 2013 lapel guards have picked up steam in the jiu jitsu world. It started with the classic worm guard, followed by squid guard, reverse de la worm and then several other unique and effective guards. Now the evolution of this system has a challenge to overcome. A sabotage from the creator of the system – Keenan Cornelius, who’s using this course to reveal counters to his own creation. He seems to think this is needed for the lapel guards to evolve into their final form. Are you ready to partake in this evolution?

Enroll today to open Pandora’s Box and release the Lapel Slayer, the antidote to all of your lapel problems.

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Are you ready to dismantle all lapel guards? (yes, you read that correctly, DISMANTLE) The ever-growing lapel guard system has been a force to be reckoned with. Over the years, an anti-lapel movement began from the frustration of many grapplers. However, the legacy of the lapel still lives on, annoying its victims with the tightest of entanglements.

This has gone on for too long. The time has come to open Pandora’s Box and release the cure to the curse that is the lapel guard system. The legacy isn’t over. The fact is, it can’t proceed until effective counters to the system exist. The Lapel Slayer is for both anti and pro lapelists. Not only can you finally prove (or attempt to prove) that the lapel system is NOT indestructible, the Lapel Slayer is also a clear path towards the progression and innovation of the lapel guard system. Lapel enthusiasts will surely look to reverse engineer the passes to make their guard tighter.

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