The Caveman Headlock Series

(3 customer reviews)

His nickname is The Caveman…but don’t let that deceive you, Sloan is an articulate instructor.

Join this course today to learn the greater concepts behind Sloan’s caveman front headlock system and how the devastating submissions within make it just as dominating as the back, mount, or side control.

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Can’t Finish From The Front Headlock Position?

Picture this, you get to the front headlock position, you attempt a quick guillotine knowing from the very start it won’t get you anywhere, your opponent twitches, and you instantly transition to another “more dominant” position like mount, the back, or side control. Was that really the best decision?

The submission won’t find itself.

Securing the front headlock position and not being sure what to do with it is like giving an actual caveman an iPhone and expecting him to enroll in this course… it’s very unlikely he’ll find the first lesson, the same way it can be very unlikely you’ll submit your opponent if you keep transitioning from position to position.

Learn To Hunt.

Sloan is an expert in making life miserable for his opponents by hunting the submission from the front headlock (as seen in his latest bouts at F2W) and he’s here to teach you how you can make life miserable for your opponents too. Learn the fundamentals of the front headlock, the caveman necktie, and everything else in between.

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