The Off Balancing Act

(1 customer review)

Margot Ciccarelli is a uniquely articulate jiu jitsu teacher. Her courses are full of concepts and drills that most instructors won’t be able to teach you. This time she’ll be showing you how to strategically off-balance and sweep your opponent from various guards.

Enroll today and eliminate the obstacles standing between you and off-balancing success.

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Do your opponents feel like a majestic oak towering over you? Every time you try to sweep it seems like they’ve got roots growing into the ground, right? This is why we’re here to help you whip out the chainsaw and cut down your opponents’ tree trunks. It’s time to off-balance.

Being able to effectively sweep your opponent from guard is a game-changer. You may know that it can be extremely difficult to do so, especially when your opponent is the heavy-weight champ of your gym. You might think “damn this guy/gal has a great base” but that doesn’t necessarily mean he/she has a great base. It could also mean that you’ve either snoozed during class and doing it wrong OR you’re missing the key details that could make or break your sweeping attempt. Luckily, we have our very own expert off-balancer, Margot Ciccarelli.

In her latest course, she presents you with the missing pieces of your off-balancing puzzle. This course isn’t just about off-balancing, it’s about learning how to properly position your body to increase your chances of hitting that sweep.

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