This guide outlines how to access Keenan Online courses on Jiu Jitsu X and where you can find the latest uploads section.
Quick video tutorial
1. Log in to your JJX account
First log in to your account with the email address you created your JJX account with. If you had an active Keenan Online account pre-JJX through, your account was transferred over to JJX. If you do not know your JJX credentials, email us at and we’ll resend them to you.
2. Go to Your Enrolled Courses
After going to your ‘Dashboard’ (upper right corner), you’ll find the “enrolled” tab on the left side of the dashboard and it looks like this:

3. Pick the course you want to watch
Once you’re logged in and you clicked on the “enrolled courses” tab, you should be able to see 12 or 13 (depending on which subscription you have) courses from Keenan in there. They have been reorganized and renamed, so the courses do not have the same names as on
If you don’t see belt courses and are wondering why – they are currently being re-shot to adhere to the new high quality standards. As soon as they’re finished, we’ll upload them to JJX and you’ll see them under your courses.
If you have a yearly subscription and can’t find the Proto guard course, send us an email to – we’ll double check your account and ensure you have access to Proto guard.
4. To access the Latest Uploads section
If you’d like to browse the latest uploads, simply go to your enrolled courses and find the “Keenan Online latest uploads” course. Just make sure you’re logged in to your account. If you ever need help with your credentials, please contact us via this support ticket here.

If you have an active Keenan Online subscription but can’t find those courses under your “enrolled courses”, please open a support ticket here – our support team will be in touch with you asap.