The Way You Consume The Latest Keenan Online Content Has Just Been UPDATED! Looking for the latest and greatest from Keenan Cornelius? Find all of Keenan`s recent technique uploads here. Updated frequently.
Wondering what’s going on and how this works? I’m glad you asked. It’s pretty simple really, think of this ‘course’ as a one-stop shop for checking out the latest, freshest drops from one of the most innovative competitors of the decade, Keenan Cornelius. It’s like reading the newspaper but in 2021 style. That’s right, learning the latest is only a click away, or only a tap away if you’re on mobile/ tablet. Jiu Jitsu X app is coming soon and you’ll love it.
Every time Keenan drops some knowledge on camera, you’ll be the first one to know about it because it’ll be uploaded to this course pronto. The course is structured by months, and each month contains ALL techniques recorded during that month. “What did Keenan teach last month?” Why don’t you find out!