Do You Want To Smash Pass But It Feels Like You Weigh Only Two Pounds? Pressure passing has great benefits, to name a couple, you’re less likely to get tired by passing with pressure than going bat s*&t crazy on torreandos, long steps, and other spazzy movements we all tried as white belts. To add more to it, there is nothing more satisfying than slowly smashing through someone’s guard and knowing they can’t do absolutely anything to stop you. Now, if you could only figure out how to properly smash pass right?
DCD’s Got You! Are you a brand new white belt or a black belt that’s used miles of finger tape? Come on in! From the beginning of this course, Conner breaks down his smash passing philosophy. This is where you will learn about how your opponent’s body works, and how you can use these 3 pressure passes to pass an intelligent guard. That’s right, Conner didn’t spend about 100 hours on this course to teach you how to pass a blue belt’s guard, his goal with this course is simple… you passing high-level black belt guards.
Smash Passing X3. Inside this course, Conner will teach you everything he knows about the over-under, the over over, and the side smash. You will learn why they work, how to apply them successfully, and then how to get to any of the 3 from any guard you might find yourself in. We guarantee you’ll discover some entries and special PED’s (Passing Enhancing Details) you’ve never seen before.