Give me a lever long enough and a fulcrum on which to place it, and I shall break your arm. –Archimedes. A course exploring the kimura as a transition attachment.
Hello, I’m Mike Gardner. 6 years ago, right after getting my blue belt, I broke my ankle from a bad landing on a tomoe nage. I couldn’t use that leg for a while so it made me focus on half guard and the knee shield. The Kimura quickly became my go-to move. Over the years I’ve developed a system revolving around using the Kimura to take the back. When our opponent defends the Kimura, they make a cool handle we can jam a lever (our arm) through and manipulate their posture.
Through this course we will talk about what the lever is, how to use it, the T Kimura position, how to enter it from anywhere, and a couple fun submissions. Hope you enjoy.