The Lazer Guard

5.00(5 Ratings)


Struggling to control your opponent from guard? Or do you find it difficult separating the elbow from knee when on bottom? 

“Two is one, one is none!”

Join Jonathan Fennell AKA “Sunshine from the videos” in a course that shows why those are certainly words to live by when it comes to jiu jitsu. A course dedicated to the LAZER GUARD.

Learn how to double up on the control you have on your opponent with the 2 on 1 grip the lazer guard has to offer. Increase your success creating the elbow and knee separation and create the opportunity to spam your opponents with submissions like the triangle. 

Included are sections on open guard concepts and fundamentals, the a-z of the lazer guard, submissions, arm drags and backtakes. As well as sweeps, the Vice guard and a Sunshine favorite, the 2 on 1 closed guard position and how to maneuver it. 

Don’t miss out on the BONUS lessons at the end of this course for a selection of extra details guaranteed to benefit your jiu jitsu game. 

Enroll today for effective, powerful lazer guard techniques. Watch 3 FREE lessons below for a sneak peek of what you can expect from this course.

Target Audience

  • Those who struggle to control their opponent
  • Those who struggle with elbow from knee separation
  • Those looking to effectively use both arms in guard for max control and benefit

Course Curriculum



Lazer Guard

Submissions From Lazer Guard

Arm Drags And Backtakes


Vice Guard

2 On 1 Closed Guard



A course by

Student Ratings & Reviews

Total 5 Ratings
5 Ratings
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Anton Valianos
1 year ago
Good course. Maybe need more submission and repeatt 3-4 times with more details like Keenan)
2 years ago
As someone who also has issues making collar-sleeve work; this instructional is a revelation. I'm drilling this ASAP. Sunshine... You da man!!!
Michael Routhier
2 years ago
Taught me how to do the Kamehameha wave to get Lazer Guard to automatic perfect score
2 years ago
Sunshine does a great job going through the details for Lazer Guard. It has upped my transitions to the position a lot!
Jonathan Fennell
2 years ago
Course level:All Levels

What I will learn?

  • Open guard concepts and fundamentals
  • Lazer guard
  • Submissions from lazer guard
  • Arm drags and backtakes
  • Sweeps from the lazer guard
  • The Vice guard
  • 2 on 1 closed guard
  • BONUS section

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