In “Welcome To Jiu Jitsu”, you’ll learn in-depth details on how to survive and conquer during your beginner level days. The main objectives of this course are: staying injury-free and getting as much mat time as possible and becoming confident with the basic principles of jiu jitsu.
You will find out how to properly apply grips, stand in front of your opponent, link movements together and “flow”, keep yourself safe plus first competition tips and kimono details.
Your instructor, Peter Iacavazzi is not only a 4th-degree black belt, 2x World Champion, and 6x Pan Champion, he has also worked with the US Armed Forces in his combatives program. He has also been instrumental in the development of the beginner program at Atos HQ, one of the best academies in the world. He knows exactly how to control, dominate and win in all sorts of situations and soon you will too.