Flip The Script: Escape the Awkward and Dominate

5.00(2 Ratings)


Are you tired of finding yourself in awkward, unfamiliar positions on the mat?


We`ve all been there. It`s impossible to always stick to our A game and sometimes, no matter how much we plan and prepare, we end up in a spot that doesn`t feel comfortable. But with Richard Navarette`s latest course, `Flip The Script: Escape the Awkward and Dominate,` you`ll learn how to turn those less-than-desirable positions into your advantage.


In this course, you`ll learn nonstop movements and unpredictable sequences to break free from those bad spots and take control of the match. Plus, you`ll get tips on how to master control points in a variety of positions, from bottom side mount and half guard to standing and backmount. And of course, we can`t forget about Richard`s signature move, the Immortal guard.


In every single course, you`ll have a deeper understanding of different positions and the mechanics behind them. You`ll be able to approach any uncomfortable or unfamiliar situation on the mat with confidence, knowing that you have the skills and techniques to flip the script and come out on top.


So if you`re ready to escape the awkward and dominate the mat, sign up for `Flip The Script` today!

Target Audience

  • For people looking to learn how to get out of bad positions
  • For people looking to add submission attacks
  • For people wanting to expand their repertoire and sharpen up their skills against any circumstances

Course Curriculum

Watch 3 Free Lessons Here
Enjoy 3 free lessons. Courtesy of Jiu Jitsu X team.



Bottom Side Control

Bottom Mount

Bottom Half Guard

Top Positions and Control

Bottom Guard

Bottom Kesa Gatame

Vs Standing

Immortal Guard

Back Mount


A course by

RJ Navarette
RJ Navarette
BJJ Instructor / Content Creator

Student Ratings & Reviews

Total 2 Ratings
2 Ratings
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0 Rating
2 years ago
2 years ago
Course level:All Levels

What I will learn?

  • How to approach bad positions
  • Gi and No-Gi Guards
  • Innovative sweeps and submissions
  • Standing Offense

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