Categories Keenan Online, No-Gi

See Nogi, Hear Nogi, Speak Nogi

5.00(9 Ratings)


Everyone and their Mom knows that Keenan is kinda famous for his skills in the gi. The lapel guards in particular are about as far away from a nogi giga course as possible. *Insert your own “How do you apply the worm guard without the gi” joke here*. However, let’s not forget Keenan has four medals from the last three ADCC’s. Two silvers and two bronzes. But what does that even mean to you? I’m glad you’ve asked! It means that Keenan is just as qualified to teach you nogi as he is qualified to teach you the power of the worm in the gi. This nogi giga course is Keenan’s take on the dark arts! Learn how Keenan thinks about nogi techniques and what he does differently from the mainstream approach.

Keenan teaches you exactly what you need to do, how to get there, and how to finish what you started. Trying to submit or control someone in nogi just doesn`t work the same as it does in the gi when you can grip sleeves, collars, and pants. One wrong squeeze and your opponent who`s only wearing spandex will slip out of your attack like a bar of soap in the shower. But don`t worry, there are levels to this, and you`re about to learn Keenan`s exact ways to dismantle your opponent`s, regardless of where the fight goes. Don`t just dream about being elite, start developing your nogi game now.

Keenan`s nogi giga course holds the answers to your biggest problems on the mats. Waiting for you are eight sections that will completely transform your nogi game from potato to gem. From hunted to hunter. Gain an unfair advantage over your training partners/ competition nemeses. After finishing Keenan`s nogi giga course, you will have a way better understanding of the art of strangling necks, utilizing the kimura trap to your advantage, playing guard, passing guard, standing, and overall being able to spot submissions before submissions spot you. Your training partners will hate you for this.

Target Audience

  • No-Gi Enthusiasts
  • For Those Who Are New To No-Gi
  • For People Who Want To Copy & Paste Keenan’s Successful No-Gi Techniques Into Their Game

Course Curriculum

The Crucifix Position
<!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>We`re jumping straight into the exciting stuff.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>The crucifix is a unique position with all sorts of exotic applications and submission opportunities.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>In this section, you`ll learn how to both control and submit your opponent successfully from the crucifix.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph -->

The Front Headlock System
<!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>The front headlock serves as a position and submission opportunity and is essential if you`re trying to become proficient in nogi.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>If you control someone`s head, you control their body, that`s basically how it works.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>Learn how to set up head and arm chokes, the guillotine, chinstrap control and how to utilize overhooks and underhooks efficiently.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph -->

The Kimura Trap
<!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>The kimura trap is not only a submission and position, it`s also a counter, a reversal and a defense to many things.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>This is your bread and butter when it comes to counter wrestling. Pay close attention.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph -->

The Leg Lock System
<!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>Now that we`ve covered the upper body, it`s time to turn our focus to the legs.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>In this section, Keenan covers the leg lock system, from kneebar to heel hook and everything in between.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph -->

No-Gi Guard Passing
<!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>You`ll soon realise that setting up submissions ONLY against opponents of equal skill can be difficult. You have to actually pass the guard to improve your chances of finishing submissions.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>In this section, Keenan (the nogi passing expert) reveals the secrets to to passing every nogi guard.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph -->

No-Gi Guard Playing
<!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>Now that you`re a dynamic nogi guard passer, it`s time to learn how to play guard which is far more difficult BUT just as fun.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>In this section, Keenan exposes mistakes made by guard players at beginnner, intermediate and even advanced levels.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph -->

More No-Gi Submissions
<!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>Now that you`re a dynamic nogi guard passer, it`s time to learn how to play guard which is far more difficult BUT just as fun.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>In this section, Keenan exposes mistakes made by guard players at beginnner, intermediate and even advanced levels.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph -->

No-Gi Stand Up
<!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>In this section, Keenan reveals the basic, most functional and effective takedowns that will serve you over your entire career.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>Plus, you`ll also find out why Keenan likes to reverse engineer nogi and why it works best.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph -->

A course by

Student Ratings & Reviews

Total 9 Ratings
9 Ratings
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4 months ago
Yes very informative
3 years ago
3 years ago
3 years ago
3 years ago
3 years ago
My entire grappling experience has been with gi so when I started nogi jiu jitsu I tried using the same gi moves which didn’t completely translate so this course has been so helpful. It has everything from top, bottom, standing, legs, submissions, and even positional concepts. Everything is organized and explained very well, breaking down what you’re looking for in a technique and why, and not just listing a bunch of moves haphazardly.
3 years ago
3 years ago
Diverse in depth course. I particularly like the Crucifix section, it covers a lot. After my first time watching the section I really started having more confidence in the position. I began to see many more opportunities to engage the crucifix.
4 years ago
There`s a lot of material here but that`s not to say it`s shallow. Most of the time if there`s a lot of material the instructor doesn`t go into too much depth vs a course that focuses on 1 subject. This course establishes a baseline and builds up onto some more advance attacks. For example The 1st chapter is crucifix. It`s focuses on 3 (really 3.5 because later on is the hip hinge) and how to do attacks when your opponent moves in certain ways. If you mastered a chapter then it`s time to maybe move on to something like Science Crucifixion. I would say that this course gives you the middle of the pool. You`re not in the shallow in and you`re not quite in the deep end. You`re in the area where you have to stand on your tippy toes.

Over all I think it`s good for everyone. If you`re like me you`ll forget things and it`s nice to have a giant reference book to refer to work on positions/submissions.
As for should you get this vs Keenan online subscription ... that`s on you.
Course level:All Levels

What I will learn?

  • Everything You Need To Know To Develop An Impenetrable No-Gi Game
  • Become Confident In Your Ability To Dominate Your Opponent In Stand Up Situations
  • Locking In & Submitting Your Opponents With Ease
  • Leglocking System
  • How To Pass No-Gi Guards
  • How To Play No-Gi Guards

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